Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon&Kate Plus 8

I am not a regular viewer of Jon and Kate but have watched from time to time because being the mom of triplets I enjoy seeing how "higher order" families get on and I can delight in saying "by the grace of God...". On the few occasions I have seen the show (and this may be editing) Kate did not come off as a relaxed or loving person and Jon was edited to be more layed back and therefore (it seemed)got his cojones handed to him repeatedly.
I did watch the season premiere (May 25, 2009) and got the impression that there was a lot more happening in the Gosselin household than TLC showed wanting to keep the focus on raising the children (a more Disney view) leaving the reality of the stresses and messiness of what makes up the day to day of a marriage/relationship when your focus isn't just on the two of you but the needs of eight other people. Having triplets I can understand the sheer exhaustion and to add the extra strain of cameras, book deals, and promotional touring on top of it...my goodness it is no wonder Jon and Kate find themselves having to step-back and look seriously at their choices.
By the end of the show I got the impression that Jon was done. He did not want the media attention anymore, the cameras out of his house and his quiet computer-geek life back. Kate on the other hand seemed to have wrapped her whole life around wanting the attention and was wondering how all of this will effect book sales, ratings and still very angry at Jon.
My advice: A marriage is a give and take. It can be easy breezy and the next hard as heck and thicker than L.A. smug but at the end of the day you have to have each other's back and remember the love that brought you together. Because before the children, there was Jon and Kate. Before the cameras and book deals, there was Jon and Kate. After the cameras are gone and the children are asleep there has to be Jon and Kate.

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